subota, 9. srpnja 2016.

Valletta (Malta)

Valletta is the capital city of Malta. Valletta contains buildings from the 16th century onwards, built during the rule of the Order of St. John also known as Knights Hospitaller. The official name given by the Order of Saint John was Humilissima Civitas Valletta—The Most Humble City of Valletta, or Città Umilissima in Italian. In 1980, the 24th Chess Olympiad took place in Valletta. Valletta is the capital city of Malta, and is the country's administrative and commercial hub. Valletta has been designated European Capital of Culture for 2018. Saint James Cavalier, originally a raised gun platform, was converted into a Centre of Creativity in the year 2000 as part of Malta's Millenium Project. Jazz music in Malta was introduced in the Strait Street area, frequented by Allied sailors during both world wars. Malta's Jazz Festival took place here. Valletta is the scene of the Maltese Carnival, held in February leading up to Lent. Carnival in Gozo is celebrated in Victoria and parishes in both islands hold their own festivities.

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